Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I've been through a lot of good times.  I've also been through some pretty rough times.  And in all of those times, it has never been difficult for me to continue to praise God.  
One of the reasons?  I determined a long time ago that I would.  I pre-determined it.  No matter what happens, I will praise Him.  And I prayed and asked Him to provide the needed strength to do so, when the time arose.

I love the story of Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah.  We know them better as Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. (I don't know why we call them by their Babylonian names that are tributes to false gods instead of their Hebrew names that are tributes to the Real God.)  You can read it in Daniel 3.  They were commanded to bow to a giant idol and they refused.  Nearby was a huge furnace that had been used for smelting gold for the statue and the king told them they would be thrown in that fire if they did not bow.  They refused still.  And they said (paraphrase), "We know our God is powerful enough to save us, but even if He doesn't, we won't bow."
They predetermined - we will worship God if He intercedes on our behalf.  We will worship Him if He does not.  He is God, either way.

Most of us know the story of Job.  He said, "Though He slay me, still I will praise Him."

We maybe aren't quite as familiar with the story of Habakkuk, but it is a good one.  God had informed Habakkuk that He had raised a mighty and terrible army to come in and capture Israel because of their sinful rebellion.  In the end, (chapter 3) Habakkuk says:
"Even though the fig trees have no blossoms,
      and there are no grapes on the vines;
   even though the olive crop fails,
      and the fields lie empty and barren;
   even though the flocks die in the fields,
      and the cattle barns are empty,
  yet I will rejoice in the L
      I will be joyful in the God of my salvation!"

These were the things he was fearful of.  Yet, in spite of a bleak future, he determined he would continue to praise God.

In a Bible study I did, we were assigned these verses and asked to make our own list of "even thoughs".  What do you most fear or dread?  Make a list - "Even though.....Yet I will rejoice in the LORD!" There is no circumstance in which I will not praise Him. 

Predetermine it.  


  1. Great post Kay! This morning I was reading in Gary Thomas's book, The Beautiful Fight (pp. 15-16) and he shared a story of Perpetua, a young North African mother (22) who refused to deny her Savior and she was martyred for it. She trusted Jesus to care for her nursing baby and gave herself to death because she refused to be called anything but a Christian.

  2. In the movie, Facing the Giants, the coach and his wife come to the place where they decide they will praise God no matter what... Just beautiful.

  3. Kay, fabulous! Here is part of my list: Even though my car breaks down and my other car completely goes kaput, I WILL PRAISE HIM! Even though my feelings lie to me and say I'm not worthy to be a published author, I WILL PRAISE HIM! And even though my endless battle with weight exhausts me, I WILL PRAISE HIM!
    Thank you Kay for a wonderful reminder.

  4. Kay, fabulous! Here is part of my list: Even though my car breaks down and my other car completely goes kaput, I WILL PRAISE HIM! Even though my feelings lie to me and say I'm not worthy to be a published author, I WILL PRAISE HIM! And even though my endless battle with weight exhausts me, I WILL PRAISE HIM!
    Thank you Kay for a wonderful reminder.

  5. thats a good idea. I have found that pre-determining other things on my life have worked also.

  6. I don't practice praising enough. Good blog.

  7. Great post, Kay. I guess we call them by their Babylonian names because that's how they are referred to in the Bible. I love these names - especially Abednego. I mean, how often have you heard that name except in the Bible.

    I love this story. So powerful.


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