Saturday, August 9, 2008

i'm learning

I am learning to trust myself.  I second guess myself all the time.  It's terrible really.  
But I'm learning to give myself a break.  I have a long way to go, but I'm making progress.

This is especially true for my writing.  I found that I cannot write and try to please everyone else.  I had written some stuff and people liked it, and I liked it.  Then I started reading and hearing about all the right and wrong ways of doing it and I changed things.  Then it was lousy.  I didn't like it, not at all.

So, I have decided to just go with my instincts.  I actually  have pretty good instincts, I just don't know how to trust them.  But I'm going to now and see what happens.  I can always change things later.

Also, sometimes when I write a blog post some people might have opinions that differ from mine.  Then I get anxious and start second guessing myself.

Being open to ideas and opinions is good.  Open to hearing them and considering them -- good.  Then discarding them if I know that I don't share them -- good.  Accepting them and restructuring  if that is what I need to do -- good.  But doubting myself just because I don't see things the same way as others -- bad.  Getting on my own back about it -- bad.

There, see.  I'm learning.


  1. Bets me how you can appear so confidant and self-assured, and still be full of doubts. I'm glad you have decided to go with your gut in your writing. Besides, you can have your opinion if you want. It's part of the freedom we have, at least for the present.


  2. I think you are doing very well, Kay!

  3. I think maybe part of being a good writer is some self doubt. Just don't let it cripple or stifle you. Like you say, you can always change things later...or not. (;>

  4. Write to please God and everything will fall into place.

    We love you just the way you are.

    Thanks for participating in the intervention. (((h)))

  5. Sounds like you are making wise choices! I like what Jan said, "Write to please God and everything will fall into place." So true.

    Thanks for being you!


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