Wednesday, June 11, 2008

weather report

Ok, I know some of you are sweltering.  But here, now, at 3:50 PM, it is 68 degrees.  And thats only because it warmed up!  Earlier today it was just downright cold.  I keep opening the windows when I get up and then our furnace turns on.  Every day except yesterday.  For some reason yesterday was 93 degrees.  But the day before it was 70-ish, and the day before that.  And so on.  It looks like it will be in the 80's Friday through Monday, but who knows.  


  1. I loved today!!! I took the boy to swim team practice at 7:45 a.m. and it was sunny and nice. Then later on it was chilly! So we went and watched the Panda movie. Loved it! Love summer!

  2. There were about 50 some teens from Lee's Summit, MO at our church tonight and they were freezing! The temp was about 68 and the humidity about 8%. They sang and did drama...they were terrific!

  3. OH..I am jealous!! We did have it in the high seventies..still with the it was not cool. Still..I could open windows and that is saying A LOT!!

  4. We've had some serious heat and humidity's only just begun...

  5. Yes, freakish weather we are having. Where is our summer?


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