Sunday, August 19, 2007

you're my brother, you're my sister

I have an ability to distance myself from things. I don't think it's a good thing.

Unless something hits close to home, it doesn't really affect me. Maybe I read too much, so I put these things into the realm of the unreal. I don't know.

But I know that I want my heart to be more sensitive to the plight of others. Including these Koreans who are captive in Afghanistan. They aren't strangers. They are our brothers and sisters. They are fellow Believers who went to a foreign country to offer hope and healing.

I have been on a mission trip, too. I was smiling and excited just as they are in the photo. I can relate to that part of it.

I have been touched by the reality of their situation. I have been moved to pray for them diligently. I am praying for them to know the incomprehensible peace of God. I am praying for them to be bold and shine brightly for Christ even in this situation. I am praying that their captors will see a glimpse of the hope and joy and love that the One True God gives.

I am also praying for their release and freedom. Two have been released to freedom to go home, and two have been Released to Freedom in their true Home.

I know God is sovereign over even this. He will do the only right and good thing for each of those men and women. So I concentrate my prayers on their well-being in the mean time. Their peace and joy.

These terrorists specialize in... well, terror. And so I am praying that they will fail. That the peace of God will overwhelm any fear that the enemy tries to inflict.


  1. AMEN! Very well said...

    You know since I've been reading Randy Alcorn's books my perspective on death has changed. I used to be sad when people died -for the people and events they would miss here in the shadowlands.

    Recently a wonderful Christian friend died and I realized my perspective had changed when I was telling others of her death (passage) - I said its so sad for us that she is gone, but so wonderful for her to be with Jesus.

    I used to say that people were with Jesus when they died", but it didn't touch me deeply until now. And now when people die and go on to their "real home" I'm truly happy for them.

  2. Praying with you on this!


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