Friday, March 23, 2007

am I not still God?

In a Bible Study Kathy Troccoli shares the experience of when her mother died.
She went down into the chapel of the hospital and fell to the floor weeping. She was despondant. Then she heard God speak, in that nearly audible way He has at times... He said, "Am I not still God?" She says that He asked her that several times until her heart was ready to agree.

Somehow, knowing that turns the world rightside up again.

She has written a devotional by that title and here is an article about it.

1 comment:

  1. I read her book of the same title and it's one of my favorite encouragement books!
    (((HUGS))) for whatever is taking place in your world!
    Prayers sent up for you and those you love.


I love to hear your thoughts!