Wednesday, March 7, 2007

help me, I'm drowning

Feeling funky today. Not as in Funky, but as in grumpy, just a little down in the dumps.

I think it is because I am overwhelmed. And because my darling boy was so grouchy this AM. I just loved being growled at first thing in the morning.

I am wanting to write, feeling frustrated that I haven't made much progress. I have spent time with my characters. I know my main character better now and I found photos of them all. I also spent some time in research and have some good ideas of where to continue that research.

But I have been busy. Today will be busy- I have to take the kids to appointments during school, (there goes my free time) and my folks are coming up after that. And also, I need to be packing up and cleaning my house because it is going to take me forever to do that and I only have until the end of June! We need to find a house to move all of this junk into in June...

So in my complete inability to organize myself, I feel like I'm spinning my wheels and getting nothing done. Where do I start! gulp. Where do I go from there? Someone, ORGANIZE ME!!

1 comment:

  1. If you get the time, I'd love for you to share any research tips you've learned along the way.
    I love the idea of having photos of your characters...I would never have thought to do that!


I love to hear your thoughts!