Monday, January 14, 2008

coming soon

Last week I read Athol Dickson's latest book. It was an advance readers' copy, so I'm not going to post about it yet since it isn't going to be released until April. So keep an eye out for that.

Also, right now I am reading Justice in the Burbs by Lisa Samson and when I am finished I will post about it and give you a chance to win a brand new copy of the book!

Exciting, huh?


  1. I will definitely be looking out for his book!

  2. I just picked up Justice in the Burbs from my library today, but am not sure when I'm going to get around to reading it - hopefully before its due back :)

  3. I just read the reviews of Justice in the Burbs and its a book I need to read. Earlier today I posted some thoughts from Sunday that go along with what I'm guessing this book will be about. Of course I'm sure the Samson's expressed themselves much better than I attempted. I struggle so much with wanting to do more or maybe its wanting to want to do more for the Lord to impact eternity. Its too easy to become content and complacent... Looking forward to reading the book even more now...


I love to hear your thoughts!