Monday, September 10, 2007

monday madness

1. Do you have children in school? Yes, a daughter in 6th grade and a son in 4th.

2. Are YOU currently in school (any level)? No, I wish. I love school.

3. Did you (or your children) attend a public or private school? I attended a Christian School from 3rd grade on. And a Christian University, as well. My kids go to public school.

4. As far as formal education, what level have you completed? I have a BSN.

5. Do you, or did you have loans out for your (or your children's) education? Yes, I did have loans for my education.

6. What are your thoughts on the cost of tuition for colleges and universities? Well, I'm not up to date on what the costs are. We do have college funds set up, so I hope that they will offset most of the costs. I would love for my kids to be able to go to Christian colleges when the time comes.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Do you have children in school?

    Yes, my daughter is in second grade and my son is only four years old. I homeschool my children.

    2. Are YOU currently in school (any level)?

    No, but I did love school. Unless you count my homeschooling as being in school now :)

    3. Did you (or your children) attend a public or private school?

    I attended 11 public schools before college. I went to an amazing Christian College. I went to a secular university for my graduate studies.

    4. As far as formal education, what level have you completed? Master of Science in Counseling Psychology

    5. Do you, or did you have loans out for your (or your children's) education?

    Yes, I did have loans for my education, but paid them off before I got married.

    6. What are your thoughts on the cost of tuition for colleges and universities?

    They are really expensive... I wish there was a way education could be more doable for those who don't make a lot of money. I would love for my kids to be able to attend Christian colleges when the time comes.


I love to hear your thoughts!