The night before halloween fill-in. Don't get scared!
1. It was a dark and stormy night, __last night, and the night before, and the night before that___.
2. _It was a nightmare, they were throwing them away,___ so I offered to take the books myself.
3. Rushing out, __I inadvertently startled the bogey man______.
4. _The moon is full and... and____...I think I heard a howl!
5. Shhhh... _what was that?___
6. _I'm a monster when I'm hungry, so_____ give me something good to eat!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _a good nights sleep____, tomorrow my plans include _scaring somebody____ and Sunday, I want to _try a new church____!
I love the picture of the fireplace. Good place to be these past few days.