Monday, February 6, 2012

We Will Remember

Yesterday in church we sang a song. "We will remember the works of your hands."

You know, Deuteronomy is nothing more than Moses telling the Israelites their own story. It's him telling them everything they went through in the book of Exodus. Right before his death, he remembered. And he reminded.
"You are going into a wonderful and dangerous place. Let's remember what God has done so far."

Once, while getting a massage, I decided to use the time to remember. I reminisced with God. "Remember the time you..." "Remember when..."

Another time a friend and I were talking. I said, "You know. I've had a very easy life. I haven't really suffered much at all."
Then I thought of some things that were difficult and mentioned them.
She said, "Wow. It sounds to me like you've been through a lot." And I was surprised by her statement. I guess I have, but it's not what I remember. God has always been there. I remember.

We know people who have been through a lot and we know it because it's what they remember. They would say, "I've had a terrible life." I know there are things people have endured that can't be forgotten. I'm not saying there should be no painful memories. But does God's faithfulness outshine the pain?

What do you remember?

1 comment:

  1. I overheard a woman about three weeks ago, and she was talking about how she had lost three family members in a year. I did a little thinking and our family lost four family members in about three months. Lost four in one year later. It was very difficult to lose so many so close together because you don't have time to grieve for one, then it's another. Looking back, I can see how God's love and strength is what got us through it. Mom


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